
Live Training To The Rescue

When YouTube videos aren’t enough…live training to the rescue!

You can learn almost anything on YouTube these days. But there comes a time when you need a live person to answer your questions in real-time. 

Digital Photography

Live training created by Julie Diebolt Price delivers online photography courses to help you master the craft of photography. One-on-one tutoring sessions are designed specifically for you. There are no dumb questions. Julie is known for her patience with students and works at your speed. We start with the basics of camera operations, with every concept building on another. 

Photography terms are confusing. In live photography lessons arranged to fit your schedule, Julie will take the mystery out of photography.

Live training at Santiago Canyon College with photography students and cameras on tripods.


Live training helps students understand photography rules

Invest In Yourself

Download 10 Most Important Things to Know About Your Digital Camera Here

Learn what it takes to produce good business photography to use on your website. With a shortage of appropriate images on the market, learn to create your own pictures that tell the story of your business (or hire Julie to make it for you!). 

Stock photography is widely available. However, be sure the image is fresh and hasn’t been used on many other websites. Create something unique for your website, so you tell your singular story. Julie can help you with that through consulting about photography ideas. Schedule a call to discuss all the possibilities. The sky’s the limit.

Watch the Introduction to Photography here – a training webinar

Best Way To Start A Business With Live Training

What are the requirements to start a business? 

After learning that 46% of all business owners have no business education, and 23% of them fail in the first year, Julie designed a program to teach the essentials for success.

Julie started and ran several business structures in California. After many years of operating her photography business and completing consulting work with a law client, she realized that every company has the same requirements to start a business and keep it running. So, in live training with Julie, you also discover that all business ventures start the same way.

Training materials include Start a Business Checklist and offer instructions on how to start a business from scratch.

In six to eight online sessions, you can be in business! 

Watch How to Start a Business in 5 Easy Steps Video here – a training webinar.

One-on-one online training is one of the best ways to learn with Julie. Learn more about Julie’s work with clients and students in a complimentary Discovery Call.